Thursday, June 26, 2014

New DW12 League Series iRacing Verizon Lionheart Series has begun!

If you have read some of my previous posts, you know that I will be racing only the new DW12 next season. I will be racing this car in both Oval and Road. This is a car that just came out before the iRacing Indy 500 (which we all know was cancelled: more on that later). So I need to get as much time in the car as possible before the next season. I was going thru the Dallara forum and came across his league. And decided to do more investigation into this series.

This league is mostly an Oval strong league with only 4 road courses, however it would give me valuable seat time with no hit to my IR or SR. One thing that drew me to the league is that they will be having a setup that is designed with input from everyone. Which is good cause from what I have heard the baseline setups are terrible and if they let one person do the setup then if that person driving style, iRating and experience will come into play. So for someone like me who has just practice for the Indy 500 as his experience, that kind of setup would be WAY to loose for me. So I got a chance to jump in to the practice race (which they will be running till the first race on July 2nd), I joined the TeamSpeak Server and the fun began!!

I was instantly greeted by Jorge Anzaldo. He thanked me for joining the TeamServer and said enjoy. Told me to download the the setup and gave me the times that the race would start. Now I am use to being on my teams TeamServer with one only other person my teammate Jon Carrigan on there. So it was interesting to have at least 3 conversations going on at the same time plus the race chatter going on. I got about 20 or so laps under my belt. They did a setup change that everyone had to download and use. Then back out for some more practice.

So next was qualifying. Just you on a track for 4 laps. I dropped the fuel to only about 9.5 gallons, cause I didn't get any fuel runs in I didn't know what my fuel burn was so I was being very safe. Any way did my 4 laps had no idea where I was till I got out. I QUALIFIED 4TH!! I was shocked!! I felt great. But there was 1 guy who was a .5 second faster than anyone. And everyone was saying over TS, there is no way that is the same setup. Anyway we started and everyone was calm and curious. The guy in first place after about 7 laps had a 5 sec lead then they told him he was out for not using the same setup. Which just showed what a great race control they had planned to have in place.

I unfortunately was the cause of the first accident LOL. With the TS chatter, race talk and my spotter saying clear, I thought it meant that I was clear below since I could see the car to my right. NOPE! Came right down on someone inside me. Instantly felt bad about it and apologized for it. Unlimited resets and after the tow, I was back out.

Not going to do a lap by lap of the first race, but after running only Time Trials on the Road side for the past 3 weeks trying to build my SR back up after the Skippy debacle. It was great to get the competitive racing spirit back after just one race. They were so friendly and made me feel comfortable about being there.

Unfortunately the second race last night, I couldn't get in cause the way iRacing is once you fill up the pit slots no one can get in afterward even if people get out and don't race. It was very disappointing not to be able to get in and also due to the fact that we have 26 members in the league so my slot was not only taken up by someone not in the league but also didn't even race the race. But it was my fault as well as my triathlon training had me at the gym till about 9:30 plus eating dinner I couldn't get on till almost at Qualifying anyway. Jorge was very very apologetic and it wasn't even his fault. So I just watched the race and helped out watching the wrecks for race control.

They are a great group of racers. I am very looking forward to racing tonight since I don't have any triathlon training tonight. However I will make sure I am the first one signed in to get my slot LOL. Please check them out on the league page.


  1. Jeremy thanks again for your words and for creating this blog. We are all so thrilled to have you in our league and we appreciate you coming in and hanging out with us. We look forward to racing along side you and to all the fun were going to have this season. It also looks like we have a lot in common, Im pushing 40, have two kids, and am a big indy car fan and sim racer. See you on track!

  2. Thanks Jorge for allowing me to race with you. I look forward to racing with everyone and doing what I can to help. See you tonight.

  3. Jeremy its also obvious that you have the knowledge to create this blog page. Our league is thinking about creating a website / forum to discuss all matters about the league share photos and also post points and write ups on races. Maybe we could come together and work with you to create it if you have the time and knowledge about such things.

  4. Sorry Jorge I just saw that you posted this and I didn't even mention tonight whole on TeamSpeak. I completely apologize cause I feel I didn't know. I would love to create the website and moderate it for the League. Let's get together as soon as possible
